Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Chang

Morris Chang

Nombre Morris
Apellido Chang
Nacidas el July 10, 1931 (age 93)
Fortuna $2.8B

Morris Chang, is a Taiwanese-American businessman and the founder, as well as former chairman and CEO, of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), the world's first and largest silicon foundry. He is known as the semiconductor industry founder of Taiwan.

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Janine Chang

Nombre Janine
Apellido Chang
Nacidas el September 4, 1982 (age 42)
Nacidas en Germany, Bavaria

Chang Chun-ning, conocida artísticamente como Janine Chang es una actriz taiwanesa.

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Derek Chang

Nombre Derek
Apellido Chang
Nacidas el December 17, 1992 (age 31)
Nacidas en Taiwan

Zhang Xuanrui mejor conocido como Derek Chang, es un actor y modelo taiwanés.

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Eileen Chang

Nombre Eileen
Apellido Chang
Nacidas el September 30, 1920
Murió el September 8, 1995 (aged 74)

Zhang Ailing conocida como Eileen Chang fue una escritora china-estadounidense.

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David Chang

Nombre David
Apellido Chang
Nacidas el August 5, 1977 (age 47)

David Chang es un cocinero y empresario estadounidense, propietario del grupo de restaurantes Momofoku. Su primer restaurante Momofuku Noodle Bar, abierto en 2004, ha sido premiado con dos estrellas Michelín.

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Stella Chang

Nombre Stella
Apellido Chang
Nacidas el August 31, 1966 (age 58)

Stella Chang is a Taiwanese singer who won the Golden Melody Award for Best Female Vocalist Mandarin twice.

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Marcus Chang

Nombre Marcus
Apellido Chang
Nacidas el May 28, 1983 (age 41)
Nacidas en Taiwan

Marcus Chang is a Taiwanese actor and singer-songwriter. He made his acting debut with the 2014 film Café. Waiting. Love. He is best known for his leading roles in the television series Back to 1989 (2016), Behind Your Smile (2016-2017), Between (2018), and Lost Romance (2020).

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Michael Chang

Nombre Michael
Apellido Chang
Nacidas el February 22, 1972 (age 52)
Altura 172 cm | 5'8

Michael Te-Pei Chang es un extenista profesional estadounidense que estuvo en el Top 10 de la ATP durante varios años de la década de 1990, siendo su mayor logró haber ganado el Torneo de Roland Garros en 1989.

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Mina Chang

Nombre Mina
Apellido Chang
Nacidas el October 29, 1984 (age 39)

Mina Chang is an American singer, activist, and former government official. She served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the United States Department of State's Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations from April 2019 until her resignation on November 18, 2019, after NBC News reported that she had falsified her resume with multiple false or misleading claims about her education, charity work, and that she had appeared on a Time magazine cover. Chang also failed to mention that her non-profit had its status revoked.

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Sylvia Chang

Nombre Sylvia
Apellido Chang
Nacidas el July 22, 1953 (age 71)
Nacidas en Taiwan, Taiwan Province

Sylvia Chang es una actriz, escritora, cantante, productora y directora de cine taiwanesa. En 1992, fue miembro del jurado en el 42 º Festival Internacional de Cine de Berlín.

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