Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Kathleen

Kathleen Turner

Mary Kathleen Turner
Nombre Kathleen
Nacidas el June 19, 1954 (age 70)
Altura 173 cm | 5'8

Mary Kathleen Turner es una actriz y directora estadounidense de teatro, cine y televisión. Considerada como una sex symbol de la década de 1980 y distinguida por su voz ronca, Turner ha sido premiada con dos Globos de Oro y una candidatura al premio Óscar.

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Kathleen Stock

Nombre Kathleen
Nacidas en United Kingdom, Scotland

Kathleen Stock is a former professor of philosophy at the University of Sussex. She has published academic work on aesthetics, fiction, imagination, sexual objectification, and sexual orientation. Her views on gender self-identification have become a contentious issue. In December 2020, she was appointed Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE), in recognition of services to higher education, a decision which was subsequently criticised by a group of 600 academic philosophers who argued that Stock's "harmful rhetoric" contributed to the marginalisation of transgender people. In October 2021, a student campaign called for her dismissal, leading to a group of over 200 academic philosophers from the UK signing an open letter in support of Stock's academic freedom. On 28 October 2021 Stock resigned from the University of Sussex.

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Kathleen Zellner

Nombre Kathleen
Nacidas el May 7, 1949 (age 75)

Kathleen Zellner is an American attorney who has worked extensively in wrongful conviction advocacy. Notable clients Zellner has represented include Steven Avery, Kevin Fox, and 19 exonerees who are listed in the National Registry of Exonerations.

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Kathleen Willey

Nombre Kathleen
Nacidas el June 2, 1946 (age 78)

Kathleen Willey is a former White House volunteer aide who, on March 15, 1998, alleged on the TV news program 60 Minutes that Bill Clinton had sexually assaulted her on November 29, 1993, during his first term as President. She had been subpoenaed to testify in the Paula Jones sexual harassment case.

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Kathleen Kennedy Townsend

Nombre Kathleen
Nacidas el July 4, 1951 (age 73)

Kathleen Hartington Kennedy Townsend is an American attorney who was the sixth Lieutenant Governor of Maryland from 1995 to 2003. She ran unsuccessfully for Governor of Maryland in 2002.

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Kathleen Kennedy

Nombre Kathleen
Nacidas el June 5, 1953 (age 71)

Kathleen Kennedy es una productora de cine estadounidense. Ha trabajado como productora de varias películas, especialmente vinculadas con Steven Spielberg y con su esposo Frank Marshall. Se la conoce sobre todo por haber producido las cintas de Parque Jurásico, E.T., el extraterrestre y Los puentes de Madison. Hasta 2017, Kennedy es la productora de cine más exitosa de la historia, en términos de recaudaciones en Estados Unidos, teniendo ganancias estimadas en más de $ 5000 millones de dólares.

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Kathleen Battle

Nombre Kathleen
Nacidas el August 13, 1948 (age 75)

Kathleen Battle es una soprano lírica de coloratura estadounidense, nacida el 13 de agosto de 1948, en Portsmouth, Ohio. Inicialmente fue conocida por su repertorio de conciertos con las orquestas más importantes del mundo a principios y mediados de los años 70. Debutó en la ópera en 1975. Battle amplió su repertorio con registros de soprano lírica y soprano de coloratura durante los años 1980 y principios de los 90. A pesar de que ya no actúa en óperas, Battle se mantiene activa en conciertos y recitales.

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Kathleen Kane

Kathleen Granahan Kane is an American politician and lawyer who served as the 48th Attorney General of Pennsylvania from 2013 until her resignation in 2016 following her conviction for perjury, obstruction of justice and related charges for illegal activities while she was Attorney General. She was the first woman and first Democrat ever elected to the position.

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Kathleen Peterson

Nombre Kathleen
Nacidas el February 21, 1953
Murió el December 9, 2001 (aged 48)

Michael Iver Peterson is an American novelist who was convicted in 2003 of murdering his second wife, Kathleen Peterson, on December 9, 2001. After eight years, Peterson was granted a new trial after the judge ruled a critical prosecution witness gave misleading testimony. In 2017, Peterson submitted an Alford plea to the reduced charge of manslaughter. He was sentenced to time already served and freed.

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Kathleen Krüger

Nombre Kathleen
Nacidas el May 17, 1985 (age 39)
Nacidas en Germany, Bavaria

Kathleen Krüger is a German former footballer who played as a midfielder for Bayern Munich. She has worked for the men's professional team of Bayern Munich off the field since 2009, and currently she is team manager of Bayern Munich. She is the only female team manager in the Bundesliga and has been described as "the league's most powerful woman".

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