Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Katharina

Katharina Thalbach

Nombre Katharina
Nacidas el January 19, 1954 (age 70)
Nacidas en Germany

Katharina Thalbach is a German actress and stage director.

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Katharina Böhm

Nombre Katharina
Nacidas el November 20, 1964 (age 59)

Katharina Böhm es una actriz austríaca. Entre 1999 y 2002 interpretó el papel de Livia Burlando en la serie de televisión italiana Il commissario Montalbano, basada en el personaje Salvo Montalbano de las novelas creadas por Andrea Camilleri.

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Katharina Dröge

Nombre Katharina
Nacidas el September 16, 1984 (age 39)

Katharina Dröge is a German economist and politician of Alliance 90/The Greens who has been serving as co-chair of the Green Party’s parliamentary group in the Bundestag since 2021, alongside Britta Haßelmann. She previously served as one of the group’s managers from 2018 to 2021. She has been a member of the Bundestag since 2013.

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Katharina Schulze

Nombre Katharina
Nacidas el June 20, 1985 (age 39)

Katharina Elisabeth Schulze is a German politician. Along with Ludwig Hartmann, she was one of the two leading candidates of her party in the 2018 Bavarian state election.

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Katharina Müller-Elmau

Nombre Katharina
Nacidas el September 13, 1965 (age 58)
Nacidas en Germany, Lower Saxony

Katharina Müller-Elmau is a German actress.

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Katharina Marie Schubert

Nombre Katharina
Nacidas el January 22, 1977 (age 47)
Nacidas en Germany, Lower Saxony

Katharina Marie Schubert is a German actress.

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Katharina Fegebank

Nombre Katharina
Nacidas el February 27, 1977 (age 47)

Katharina Fegebank is a politician in the German political party Alliance '90/The Greens.

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Katharina Liensberger

Nombre Katharina
Nacidas el April 1, 1997 (age 27)
Nacidas en Austria, Vorarlberg

Katharina Liensberger es una deportista austríaca que compite en esquí alpino, especialista en la modalidad de eslalon.

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Katharina Andresen

Nombre Katharina
Nacidas el May 21, 1995 (age 29)
Fortuna $1.4B

Katharina Gamlemshaug Andresen is a Norwegian heiress, and as of 2020, the world's third-youngest billionaire as reported by Forbes.

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Katharina Franck

Nombre Katharina
Nacidas el July 28, 1963 (age 60)

Katharina Franck is a German singer, songwriter, and musician. She first achieved fame as singer, songwriter, and guitarist of pop rock band the Rainbirds in the late 1980s. Besides her work with Rainbirds, she was also a member of the band Stein, and has released several solo albums.

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