Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Herman

Herman Cain

Nombre Herman
Apellido Cain
Nacidas el December 13, 1945
Murió el July 30, 2020 (aged 74)

Herman Cain fue un empresario, columnista sindicado y activista político estadounidense. Fue candidato para las primarias presidenciales del Partido Republicano de 2012.

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Herman Edwards

Herman Edwards Jr. is an American football coach and former player who, as of 2020, is the head coach at Arizona State University. From 2009 to 2017, he was a pro football analyst for ESPN. He played cornerback for ten seasons (1977–1986) with the Philadelphia Eagles, Los Angeles Rams, and Atlanta Falcons. As a player, Edwards is known for the 1978 "Miracle at the Meadowlands", when he recovered a fumble by New York Giants quarterback Joe Pisarcik and returned it for a game-winning touchdown.

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Herman Gref

Nombre Herman
Apellido Gref
Nacidas el February 8, 1964 (age 61)
Nacidas en Kazakhstan

Hermann Gräf, better known as Herman Gref, is a Russian politician and businessman. He was the Minister of Economics and Trade of Russia from May 2000 to September 2007. He is the CEO and chairman of the executive board of Sberbank, the largest Russian bank.

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Herman J. Mankiewicz

Nombre Herman
Apellido Mankiewicz
Nacidas el November 7, 1897
Murió el March 5, 1953 (aged 55)

Herman Jacob Mankiewicz fue un guionista estadounidense, cuya mayor fama se debe a escribir el guion de Ciudadano Kane junto a Orson Welles, por el cual se hizo acreedor en 1941 de un Óscar al mejor guion original.[cita requerida]

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Herman Wouk

Nombre Herman
Apellido Wouk
Nacidas el May 27, 1915
Murió el May 17, 2019 (aged 103)

Herman Wouk was an American author best known for historical fiction such as The Caine Mutiny (1951) which won the Pulitzer Prize.

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Herman Lamm

Nombre Herman
Apellido Lamm
Nacidas el April 19, 1890
Murió el December 16, 1930 (aged 40)
Nacidas en Germany, Hesse

Herman Karl Lamm, known as Baron Lamm, was a German-American bank robber. A former Prussian Army soldier who immigrated to the United States, Lamm believed a heist required all the planning of a military operation. He pioneered the concepts of "casing" a bank and developing escape routes before conducting the robbery. Using a meticulous planning system called "The Lamm Technique", he conducted dozens of successful bank robberies from the end of World War I.

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Herman Boone

Nombre Herman
Apellido Boone
Nacidas el October 28, 1935
Murió el December 18, 2019 (aged 84)

Herman Ike Boone was an American high school football coach who coached the 1971 T. C. Williams High School football team to a 13–0 season, state championship, and national championship runner-up. That season was the basis for the 2000 film Remember the Titans, in which Boone was portrayed by Denzel Washington.

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Herman Willem Daendels

Nombre Herman
Apellido Daendels
Nacidas el October 21, 1762
Murió el May 2, 1818 (aged 55)

Herman Willem Daendels was a Dutch politician who served as the 36th Governor General of the Dutch East Indies between 1808 and 1811.

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Herman Melville

Herman Melvill
Nombre Herman
Apellido Melville
Nacidas el August 1, 1819
Murió el September 28, 1891 (aged 72)

Herman Melville fue un escritor, novelista, poeta y ensayista estadounidense, del período del Renacimiento estadounidense. Entre sus novelas más conocidas están Taipi (1846), basada en sus experiencias en la Polinesia y su obra maestra, la novela Moby Dick (1851), clásico de la literatura universal.

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Herman Vandenburg Ames

Nombre Herman
Apellido Ames
Nacidas el August 7, 1865
Murió el February 7, 1935 (aged 69)

Herman Vandenburg Ames was an American legal historian, archivist, and professor of United States constitutional history at the University of Pennsylvania and, from 1907 to 1928, dean of its graduate school. His 1897 monograph, The Proposed Amendments to the Constitution of the United States During the First Century of Its History, was a landmark work in American constitutional history. Other works by Ames included John C. Calhoun and the Secession Movement of 1850, Slavery and the Union 1845–1861, and The X.Y.Z. Letters, the latter of which he authored with John Bach McMaster. Among his notable students were Ezra Pound, John Musser, and Herbert Eugene Bolton.

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