Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Fayez

Fayez al-Sarraj

Nombre Fayez
Nacidas el February 20, 1960 (age 64)
Nacidas en Libya

Fayez al Sarraj es un arquitecto, funcionario y político libio.

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Fayez Al Saeed

Nombre Fayez
Nacidas el October 4, 1974 (age 50)

Fayez Al Saeed is an Emirati singer.

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Fayez al-Tarawneh

Nombre Fayez
Nacidas el May 1, 1949
Murió el December 15, 2021 (aged 72)

Fayez al-Tarawneh, n. en Ammán en 1949, es un político jordano independiente que fungió como primer ministro de 20 de agosto de 1998 al 4 de marzo de 1999, y; por segunda vez del 2 de mayo al 11 de octubre de 2012. Es el jefe de la Corte Real de Jordania.

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Fayez Al-Malki

Nombre Fayez
Nacidas el September 12, 1969 (age 55)

Fayez Al-Malki is a Saudi Arabian television actor and humanitarian. He is best known as Menahi, a character he portrayed in several works such as Menahi's diary (2006) and Menahi (2009).

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Fayez Sarofim

Nombre Fayez
Nacidas el January 1, 1929
Murió el May 27, 2022 (aged 93)
Nacidas en Cairo Governorate
Fortuna $1.5B

Fayez Sarofim is a Coptic American heir to the Sarofim family fortune, fund manager for a number of Dreyfus family stock funds, an original and second largest shareholder of Kinder Morgan and part owner of the NFL team Houston Texans; ranked 5th Most Valuable NFL team worth $1.85 billion. He has been married to three different women, is the father of five children, and lives in Houston, Texas. With an estimated current net worth of $1.91 billion, Sarofim is ranked by Forbes as the 847-richest person in the world, in 2015. His investment firms oversee over $30 billion in assets.

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