Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Fatemeh

Fatemeh Naghavi

Nombre Fatemeh
Nacidas el January 1, 1954 (age 70)
Nacidas en Iran, Tehran Province

Fatemeh Naghavi es una actriz iraní.

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Fatemeh Karroubi

Nombre Fatemeh
Nacidas el January 1, 1949 (age 75)
Nacidas en Iran

Fatemeh Karroubi is an Iranian politician and activist. She is the wife of Mehdi Karroubi, a politician, Shia cleric, chairman of the National Trust Party and a candidate for President of Iran during the 2005 and 2009 presidential elections. Fatemeh Karroubi campaigned openly with her husband during the 2009 presidential campaign, drawing comparisons to another high-profile political spouse, Zahra Rahnavard, the wife of Mir Hossein Mousavi. Candidates campaigning openly with their wives had previously been a rare occurrence within the Islamic Republic of Iran since the 1979 Iranian Revolution.

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