Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Art

Art LaFleur

Nombre Art
Nacidas el September 9, 1943
Murió el November 17, 2021 (aged 78)
Altura 180 cm | 5'11

Art LaFleur fue un actor estadounidense de cine y televisión.

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Art Garfunkel

Arthur Ira Garfunkel
Nombre Art
Nacidas el November 5, 1941 (age 82)
Altura 175 cm | 5'9

Arthur Ira Garfunkel, conocido como Art Garfunkel, es un cantante, músico y actor estadounidense, famoso por formar parte del dúo de folk Simon and Garfunkel. Fue considerado como el #86 mejor cantante de todos los tiempos según la revista Rolling Stone

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Art Metrano

Harpo Mesistrano
Nombre Art
Nacidas el September 22, 1936
Murió el September 8, 2021 (aged 84)

Arthur Metrano conocido artísticamente como Art Metrano es un actor estadounidense conocido internacionalmente por su papel de Tte/Cmdte y Capitán Mauser en Loca academia de policía 2 y 3.

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Art Acevedo

Nombre Art
Nacidas el July 31, 1964 (age 60)
Nacidas en Cuba, Havana Province

Hubert Arturo Acevedo is an American police officer and the incumbent chief of police of the Houston Police Department. He previously held the same position at the Austin Police Department following a career with the California Highway Patrol.

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Art Peck

Nombre Art
Nacidas el January 1, 1956 (age 68)

Arthur Peck is an American businessman, and was the CEO of Gap Inc., the American multinational clothing retailer from 2015 to 2019.

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Art Briles

Nombre Art
Nacidas el December 3, 1955 (age 68)

Arthur Ray Briles is an American football coach, formerly with Mount Vernon High School in Mount Vernon, Texas. Briles was the head coach of the Houston Cougars from 2002 to 2007 and the Baylor Bears from 2008 to 2015. His college career ended with his dismissal from the team in 2015 as a result of the Baylor University sexual assault scandal. He is the author of Beating Goliath: My Story of Football and Faith (2014). He is the subject of a biography written by Nick Eatman entitled Looking Up: My Journey from Tragedy to Triumph (2013).

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Art Spiegelman

Itzhak Avraham ben Zeev Spiegelman
Nombre Art
Nacidas el February 15, 1948 (age 76)
Nacidas en Sweden, Stockholm County

Artie Spiegelman es un historietista estadounidense, hijo de una familia judía polaca.

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Art Schlichter

Arthur Ernest Schlichter is an American former gridiron football quarterback who played in the National Football League (NFL) for four seasons with the Colts franchise. He also played one Canadian Football League (CFL) season with the Ottawa Rough Riders and three Arena Football League (AFL) seasons with the Detroit Drive and Cincinnati Rockers. A highly-touted collegiate prospect at Ohio State, Schlichter's professional career was cut short by a gambling addiction that has resulted in him facing legal problems for the better part of four decades.

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Art Howe

Arthur Henry Howe Jr. is an American former professional baseball infielder, coach, scout, and manager, who appeared as a player in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the Pittsburgh Pirates (1974–1975), Houston Astros (1976–1982), and St. Louis Cardinals (1984–1985). Howe managed the Astros (1989–1993), Oakland Athletics (1996–2002), and New York Mets (2003–2004), compiling a career managerial record of 1,129 wins and 1,137 losses.

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Art Rooney II

Nombre Art
Nacidas el September 14, 1952 (age 72)

Arthur Joseph Rooney II is the owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League (NFL).

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