Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Zahn

Steve Zahn

Steven James Zahn
Nombre Steve
Apellido Zahn
Nacidas el November 13, 1967 (age 56)
Altura 170 cm | 5'7

Steven James Zahn, conocido como Steve Zahn, es un actor estadounidense de teatro y de cine. Es reconocido especialmente por sus intervenciones en comedias.

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Wilhelm Zahn

Nombre Wilhelm
Apellido Zahn
Nacidas el July 29, 1910
Murió el November 14, 1976 (aged 66)
Nacidas en Germany, Bavaria

Wilhelm Zahn was a German Kriegsmarine officer during the Second World War. He was U-boat First Watch Officer, then became U-boat commander and was finally promoted to Korvettenkapitän on 1 April 1943. As commander of U-56 he was able to avoid detection by the destroyers surrounding HMS Nelson and came in close proximity to the British flagship, launching three torpedoes against her whilst she was carrying Winston Churchill and the high military command of the British Navy. Following that incident he became widely known as the "Man who almost killed Churchill" amongst the U-boat submariner corps. He was one of the commanding officers during the sinking of MV Wilhelm Gustloff which has been described as "Adolf Hitler's Titanic".

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Robert Zahn

Nombre Robert
Apellido Zahn
Nacidas el January 9, 1870
Murió el November 27, 1945 (aged 75)

Robert Zahn was a German classical archaeologist, specializing in ceramics and other small objects of Greek antiquity.

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Peter von Zahn

Nombre Peter
Apellido Zahn
Nacidas el January 29, 1913
Murió el July 26, 2001 (aged 88)
Nacidas en Germany, Saxony

Peter von Zahn was a German author, film maker, and journalist.

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Joachim Zahn

Nombre Joachim
Apellido Zahn
Nacidas el January 24, 1914
Murió el October 9, 2002 (aged 88)

Professor Joachim Zahn was the chairman of Daimler Benz AG between 1971 and 1979.

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Eva Zahn

Nombre Eva
Apellido Zahn
Nacidas el January 1, 1960 (age 64)
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Jean-Paul Zahn

Nombre Jean-Paul
Nacidas el March 23, 1935
Murió el July 15, 2015 (aged 80)
Nacidas en France, Grand Est
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Timothy Zahn

Nombre Timothy
Apellido Zahn
Nacidas el September 1, 1951 (age 72)

Timothy Zahn es un escritor estadounidense de novelas e historias cortas de ciencia ficción. Ganador del premio Hugo a la mejor novela por Cascade Point. Nominado al premio Hugo en el año 1983 por la novela corta Pawn’s Gambit y nominado de nuevo al premio Hugo en el año 1985 por la novela corta Return to the Fold. Asimismo, ha escrito varias novelas ambientadas en el Universo Expandido de Star Wars.

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Wilhelm Zahn

Nombre Wilhelm
Apellido Zahn
Nacidas el July 25, 1848
Murió el April 21, 1911 (aged 62)
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Albert Zahn

Nombre Albert
Apellido Zahn
Nacidas el June 13, 1918
Murió el June 9, 1975 (aged 56)
Nacidas en Germany, Saxony
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