Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Xue

Joker Xue

Nombre Joker
Nacidas el July 17, 1983 (age 41)

Xue Zhiqian mejor conocido como Joker Xue, es un cantautor y productor discográfico chino.

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Han Xue

Nombre Han
Apellido Xue
Nacidas el January 11, 1983 (age 41)

Han Xue, también conocida como Cecilia Han, es una cantante y actriz china de origen étnico Miao.

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Li Xue

Nombre Li
Apellido Xue
Nacidas el April 14, 1985 (age 39)

Li Xue is a Chinese-born French table tennis player. She has competed for France at the 2012 and 2016 Summer Olympics.

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Can Xue

Nombre Can
Apellido Xue
Nacidas el May 30, 1953 (age 71)

Deng Xiaohua, better known by her pen name Can Xue, is a Chinese avant-garde fiction writer and literary critic. Her family was severely persecuted following her father being labeled a rightist in the Anti-Rightist Campaign of 1957. Her writing, which consists mostly of short fiction, breaks with the realism of earlier modern Chinese writers. She has also written novels, novellas, and literary criticisms of the work of Dante, Jorge Luis Borges, and Franz Kafka. Can Xue has been described as "China’s most prominent author of experimental fiction", and some of her fiction has been translated and published in English.

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Shen Xue

Nombre Shen
Apellido Xue
Nacidas el November 13, 1978 (age 45)
Altura 160 cm | 5'3

Shen Xue is a Chinese retired pair skater. With her husband Zhao Hongbo, Shen is the 2010 Olympic champion, the 2002 & 2006 Olympic bronze medalist, a three-time World champion, a three-time Four Continents Champion, and a six-time Grand Prix Final champion.

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Chen Xue

Nombre Chen
Apellido Xue
Nacidas el June 3, 1970 (age 54)
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Charles Xue

Nombre Charles
Apellido Xue
Nacidas el February 18, 1953 (age 71)

Charles Bi-chuen Xue is a Chinese-American entrepreneur and angel investor, better known by his screen name Xue Manzi. He was one of the founders of UTStarcom, the Chairman of 8848 Electronic Commerce Network, the Chairman of Prcedu.

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Sheng Xue

Nombre Sheng
Apellido Xue
Nacidas el August 2, 1962 (age 61)

Sheng Xue or Reimonna Sheng, is the pen name of Zang Xihong, a Chinese-Canadian journalist and writer, and human rights activist.

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