Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Xu

Jade Xu

Nombre Jade
Apellido Xu
Nacidas el February 9, 1986 (age 38)

Xu Huihui is an actress and former competitive wushu taolu athlete who lives in the United States. She is a three-time world champion and is one of the most renowned athletes to represent a European country at the World Wushu Championships.

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Raquel Xu

Nombre Raquel
Nacidas el February 16, 1990 (age 34)

Xu Dongdong is a Chinese actress and singer.

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Joe Xu

Nombre Joe
Apellido Xu
Nacidas el April 17, 1983 (age 41)

Xu Haiqiao, also known as Joe Xu, is a Chinese actor. He is best known for his roles in television series The Dream Of Red Mansions, The Journey of Flower, Revive, Detective Samoyeds and Lost Love in Times. He graduated from Shanghai Theatre Academy.

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Fengfan Xu

Nombre Fengfan
Nacidas el June 12, 1998 (age 26)
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Annie Xu

Nombre Annie
Nacidas el October 22, 1999 (age 24)

Annie Xu is an American badminton player who competes in international elite events. She is a double Pan Am Junior champion and a Summer Universiade bronze medalist alongside her twin sister Kerry Xu.

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Kerry Xu

Nombre Kerry
Apellido Xu
Nacidas el October 22, 1999 (age 24)
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Huang Xu

Nombre Huang
Apellido Xu
Nacidas el February 4, 1979 (age 45)
Altura 162 cm | 5'4

Huang Xu es un gimnasta artístico chino, dos veces campeón olímpico en el concurso por equipos, en 2000 y 2008, y cuatro veces campeón del mundo, también en el concurso por equipos, entre 1997 y 2007.

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Tony Xu

Nombre Tony
Apellido Xu
Nacidas el January 1, 1985 (age 39)

Tony Xu is a Chinese-American billionaire businessman, and the co-founder and chief executive officer (CEO) of DoorDash. Born in Nanjing, China, Xu immigrated to the United States with his parents at the age of five. He earned degrees from the University of California, Berkeley and Stanford University's Graduate School of Business. Earlier in his career, Xu interned at Square, Inc., and worked for McKinsey & Company, eBay, and PayPal. He was included in Fortune's "40 Under 40" list in 2020.

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Nancy Xu

Nombre Nancy
Apellido Xu
Nacidas el July 30, 1991 (age 32)

Nancy Xu YouJie is a Chinese dancer and choreographer. She is best known for being a professional dancer on Strictly Come Dancing since 2019.

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Lumi Xu

Nombre Lumi
Apellido Xu
Nacidas el January 1, 1993 (age 31)
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