Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Thuan

Trinh Xuan Thuan

Nombre Trinh
Apellido Thuan
Nacidas el August 20, 1948 (age 76)

Trinh Xuan Thuan es un astrofísico y escritor vietnamita-estadounidense, francófono, nacido en Hanoi. Conocido por su posición en favor del principio antrópico. Ganó en 2009 el Premio Kalinga de la Unesco y en 2012 el Premio Mundial Cino Del Duca.

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Nguyen Phuc Thuan

Nombre Nguyễn
Apellido Thuần
Nacidas el December 31, 1754
Murió el October 18, 1777 (aged 22)

Định Vương Nguyễn Phúc Thuần (1754–1777) was one of the Nguyễn lords who ruled over the southern portion of Vietnam from the 16th–18th centuries. The collapse of the house of Nguyễn lords intensified during Thuần's reign, many uprisings broke out throughout central part of Vietnam, including the Tây Sơn revolt; and the offensive of Trịnh lords from northern Vietnam. He tried to re-establish the Nguyễn lords' authority but unsuceeded. At last, he was captured and executed along with his followers and almost all family members by Tây Sơn rebel general Nguyễn Huệ in 1777.

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No lo conozco

Le Phong Thuan

Nombre Le
Apellido Thuan
Nacidas el December 2, 1930
Murió el October 17, 2010 (aged 79)

Emmanuel Lê Phong Thuận was the Roman Catholic bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Can Tho, Vietnam, from June 20, 1990, until his death on October 17, 2010.

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No lo conozco
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