Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Rybka

Eugeniusz Rybka

Nombre Eugeniusz
Nacidas el May 6, 1898
Murió el December 8, 1988 (aged 90)

Eugeniusz Rybka, was a Polish astronomer, professor of the Lviv University (1932–1945), Wrocław University (1945–1958) and director of the Kraków Astronomical Observatory (1952–1958). Also he was deputy director of the International Astronomical Union (1952–1958).

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Oleksandr Rybka

Nombre Oleksandr
Nacidas el April 10, 1987 (age 37)
Nacidas en Ukraine
Altura 193 cm | 6'4

Oleksandr Yevhenovych Rybka is a Ukrainian football goalkeeper who last plays for FK Liepāja in the Latvian Higher League.

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