Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Quarles

Joseph V. Quarles

Nombre Joseph
Apellido Quarles
Nacidas el December 16, 1843
Murió el October 7, 1911 (aged 67)

Joseph Very Quarles Jr. was a United States Senator from Wisconsin and a United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Wisconsin. Earlier, he was the 20th Mayor of Kenosha, Wisconsin.

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Donald Aubrey Quarles

Nombre Donald
Apellido Quarles
Nacidas el July 30, 1894
Murió el May 8, 1959 (aged 64)

Donald Aubrey Quarles was a communications engineer, senior level executive with Bell Telephone Laboratories and Western Electric, and a top official in the United States Department of Defense during the Eisenhower Administration. He served as both Secretary of the Air Force and Deputy Secretary of Defense.

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