Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Peyron

Loïck Peyron

Nombre Loïck
Nacidas el December 1, 1959 (age 64)
Nacidas en France, Pays de la Loire

Loïck Peyron, born 1 December 1959 in Nantes, is a French yachtsman, younger brother of the yachtsman Bruno Peyron.

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Bruno Peyron

Nombre Bruno
Apellido Peyron
Nacidas el November 10, 1955 (age 68)
Nacidas en France, Pays de la Loire

Bruno Tristan Peyron is a French yachtsman who, along with his crew on the catamaran Orange II, broke the outright round-the-world sailing record in March 2005. He was the first winner of the Jules Verne Trophy in 1994, for completing a round-the-world trip in less than 80 days. Peyron was born in Angers, France and grew up in the French Atlantic coast city of La Baule. He has been one of the main organisers behind the round-the-world-race, The Race.

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Stéphane Peyron

Nombre Stéphane
Apellido Peyron
Nacidas el December 1, 1960 (age 63)
Nacidas en France, Pays de la Loire
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No lo conozco

Ika Peyron

Ika Asp
Nombre Ika
Apellido Peyron
Nacidas el July 1, 1845
Murió el March 15, 1922 (aged 76)

Albertina Fredrika "Ika" Peyron, née Asp was a Swedish composer, pianist and organist. She wrote songs as well as compositions for violin, piano and solo songs. Her collected works consists of about 40 compositions.

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Jean-François Pierre Peyron

Nacidas el December 15, 1744
Murió el January 20, 1814 (aged 69)

Jean-François Pierre Peyron, conocido solamente por Pierre Peyron fue un pintor y dibujante neoclásico francés.

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Georgette Peyron

Nombre Georgette
Nacidas el January 1, 1953 (age 71)
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