Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Ouyang

Jimmy Ouyang

Nombre Jimmy
Nacidas el June 11, 1987 (age 37)
Altura 165 cm | 5'5

Jimmy O. Yang es un actor, comediante y escritor que trabaja en USA, nacido en Hong Kong, China. Ha interpretado a Jian-Yang en la serie de comedia de HBO Silicon Valley.

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Qingzi Ouyang

Nombre Qingzi
Nacidas el February 8, 1999 (age 25)

Qingzi Ouyang is a Canadian former badminton player of Chinese origin who competes in international level events. She is a double Pan Am junior champions in the girls' singles. In the senior event, she won a bronze medal in the women's doubles as well as in the mixed doubles at the 2016 Canadian Championships, and helped Canadian women's team finished as runner-up at the Pan Am Team Championships in Mexico.

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