Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Noor

Lies Noor

Nombre Lies
Nacidas el July 12, 1938
Murió el March 14, 1961 (aged 22)

Elisa Firmansjah "Lies" Noor was an Indonesian actress. Rising to popularity after her appearance in 1952's Pulang (Homecoming), directed by Basuki Effendy, by 1955 Noor was able to demand fees of Rp 10,000 for her film appearances.

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Mohammed Noor

Nombre Mohammed
Apellido Noor
Nacidas el February 26, 1978 (age 46)
Nacidas en Saudi Arabia
Altura 181 cm | 5'11

Mohammed Noor, exfutbolista nacido en Arabia Saudita. Jugaba de mediapunta y la mayor parte de su carrera la hizo en el Al-Ittihad de Arabia Saudita.

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Isran Noor

Nombre Isran
Nacidas el September 20, 1957 (age 67)

Isran Noor is an Indonesian politician and academic who is the governor of East Kalimantan.

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Sahbirin Noor

Nombre Sahbirin
Nacidas el November 12, 1967 (age 57)

Sahbirin Noor is an Indonesian politician and current the governor of South Kalimantan. He vice governor Rudy Resnawan rebounded after having initially looked poised to lose the gubernatorial election in 2015. Noor has taken the initiative to rehabilitate about sixty-thousand hectares of degraded land in the province.

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Saima Noor

Nombre Saima
Nacidas el November 25, 1975 (age 49)

Saima Noor is a Pakistani actress who appears in Pakistani films and television dramas. She rose to prominence after starring in the film Choorian (1998), which is regarded as one of the highest-grossing Pakistani films of all time. Some of her other notable film credits include Buddha Gujjar (2002), Majajan (2006) and Bhai Log (2011), all of which were commercial successes. She was one of country's leading film actresses during 1990s and early 2000s.

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Putty Noor

Nombre Putty
Nacidas el November 1, 1980 (age 44)
Nacidas en Indonesia, West Java
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Rindra Risyanto Noor

Nombre Rindra
Nacidas el December 5, 1972 (age 52)
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