Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Ligny

Guy I of Luxembourg, Count of Ligny

Nombre Guy
Apellido Ligny
Murió el August 23, 1371
Nacidas en France, Grand Est

Guy I of Luxembourg-Ligny was Count of Saint-Pol (1360–1371) and Count of Ligny, Lord of Roussy and Beauvoir (1364–1371).

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Waleran III of Luxembourg, Count of Ligny

Nombre Waleran
Apellido Ligny
Nacidas el November 30, 1354
Murió el April 10, 1415 (aged 60)
Nacidas en France, Hauts-de-France

Waleran III of Luxembourg Count of Ligny and Saint Pol, was a French nobleman and soldier.

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Anthony I, Count of Ligny

Nombre Anthony
Apellido Ligny
Murió el November 30, 1518

Anthony I, Count of Ligny (1450–1519) was the youngest son of Louis de Luxembourg, Count of Saint-Pol and his wife, Jeanne de Bar, Countess of Marle and Soissons. In 1482, he inherited the County of Brienne from his brother Peter II, Count of Saint-Pol. After the death of Charles of Bourbon in 1510, Anthony inherited the County of Ligny, which thereby fell back to the House of Luxemburg.

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Waléran Ier de Luxembourg-Ligny

Nombre Waleran
Apellido Ligny
Murió el June 5, 1288

Waleran I of Luxembourg was since 1281 Lord of Ligny and La Roche.

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Johann I.

Nombre John
Apellido Ligny
Murió el May 17, 1364
Nacidas en France, Grand Est

John I of Luxembourg, was a Lord of Ligny, Beauvoir, Roussy and La Roche from the House of Luxembourg. He was a son of Lord Waleran II and his wife, Guyotte of Lille.

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Joan, Countess of Ligny

Nombre Joan,
Apellido Ligny
Murió el September 18, 1430

Joan, Countess of Saint-Pol and Ligny, called the Demoiselle de Luxembourg, was the daughter of Guy of Luxembourg, Count of Ligny and Mahaut of Châtillon, Countess of Saint-Pol.

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Juan II de Luxemburgo-Ligny

Nombre John
Apellido Ligny
Nacidas el January 1, 1392
Murió el January 5, 1441 (aged 49)

Juan II de Luxemburgo y conde de Ligny (1392–5 de enero de 1441, Guisa) fue un noble y soldado francés, el hijo más joven de Juan I de Luxemburgo, señor de Beauvoir y Marguerite de Enghien.

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No lo conozco

Francis de Ligny

Nombre Francis
Apellido Ligny
Nacidas el November 30, 1549
Murió el September 30, 1613 (aged 63)
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No lo conozco

Waléran II de Luxembourg-Ligny

Nombre Waleran
Apellido Ligny
Murió el January 1, 1354

Waleran II of Luxembourg, Lord of Ligny, was a French nobleman and member of the House of Luxembourg. He was Lord of Beauvoir, Roussy and Ligny. He was a son of Waleran I and his wife, Joan of Beauvoir.

Conozco \
No lo conozco

Margaretha van Ligny

Nombre Margaretha
Apellido Ligny
Nacidas el January 19, 1607
Murió el January 1, 1680 (aged 72)
Conozco \
No lo conozco
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