Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Kwan

Michelle Kwan

Michelle Wingshan Kwan
Nombre Michelle
Apellido Kwan
Altura 158 cm | 5'2

Michelle Wingshan Kwan es una patinadora artística estadounidense.

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Nancy Kwan

Nombre Nancy
Apellido Kwan
Nacidas el May 19, 1939 (age 85)

Nancy Kwan Ka Shen es una actriz, filántropa y exbailarina china-estadounidense que contribuyó decisivamente a la aceptación de actores de ascendencia asiática en los principales papeles cinematográficos de Hollywood.

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Rosamund Kwan

Nombre Rosamund
Nacidas el September 24, 1962 (age 61)

Rosamund Kwan Chi Lam es una actriz china, nacida el 24 de septiembre de 1962 en Hong Kong.

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James Ng

Nombre Ng
Apellido Kwan
Nacidas el April 18, 1990 (age 34)

James Ng better known as Jam Ng and Kwan Gor is a Hong Kong singer and actor. He is currently under a contract with TVB. He starred in the hit sitcom Come Home Love in the second season. He gained success through his two most popular songs which garnered over 6 million views on his YouTube channel. In 2015, Ng was the first to win the Most Favorite Male Singer Award and Most Favorite Song Award at the Ultimate Song Chart Awards. He also won J.S.G's Most Popular New Coming Singer Gold Award.

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Stanley Kwan

Nombre Stanley
Apellido Kwan
Nacidas el October 9, 1957 (age 66)

Stanley Kwan es un director de cine, productor y actor de Hong Kong.

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Sharon Kwan

Nombre Sharon
Apellido Kwan
Nacidas el October 12, 1995 (age 28)

Sharon Kwan is a Taiwanese American Mandopop singer. In June 2011, Sharon participated in the first season of Taiwan's China Television (CTV)'s (中視) star search show, Chinese Million Star 1 (華人星光大道), which was the Taiwanese equivalence of American Idol and won the overall champion on January 8, 2012. She released her first album on August 24, 2012, titled Home Girl, and became the first female student of Taiwanese Golden Melody Award-winning singer-songwriter David Tao. In 2015 Sharon took part in the fourth season of the Chinese talent show The Voice of China. She ended up being placed in the top four in team Jay Chou.

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Jade Kwan

Nombre Jade
Apellido Kwan
Nacidas el July 31, 1979 (age 45)

Jade Kwan, es una cantante de Hong Kong intérprete de género cantopop.

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Kelvin Kwan

Nombre Kelvin
Apellido Kwan
Nacidas el March 24, 1983 (age 41)

Kelvin Kwan, es un cantante cantopop de Hong Kong, que surgió de unconcurso de canto llamado Go East, además firmó contrato con el sello Universal Music.

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Kenny Kwan

Nombre Kenny
Apellido Kwan
Nacidas el December 30, 1980 (age 43)

Kenny Kwan Chi-Bun mejor conocido como Kenny Kwan es un cantante, compositor y actor hongkonés.

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Suki Kwan

Nombre Suki
Nacidas el March 11, 1966 (age 58)

Suki Kwan Sau Mei is a Chinese actress from Hong Kong. Kwan is credited with over 50 films.

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