Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Kenji

Asahisato Kenji

増田 憲治
Nombre Asahisato
Nacidas el November 9, 1965 (age 58)
Nacidas en Japan
Altura 187 cm | 6'2

Asahisato Kenji is a former sumo wrestler from Ikeda, Osaka, Japan. His active career spanned 17 years and 102 tournaments from 1981 until 1998, and his highest rank was maegashira 14. Upon his retirement he became an elder of the Japan Sumo Association. He took charge of Nakagawa stable in January 2017, but the stable was closed in July 2020 and he was demoted two rungs in the Sumo Association's hierarchy after he was found to have mistreated wrestlers in the stable.

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Ganyu Kenji

Nombre Ganyu
Nacidas el August 6, 1970 (age 54)
Nacidas en Japan

Ganyū Kenji is a former sumo wrestler from Himeji, Hyōgo, Japan. He made his professional debut in March 1986, and reached the top division in March 1996. His highest rank was maegashira 1. In May 1999 he continued fighting in the tournament despite having ligament damage in his ankle, in search of the eighth win that would give him a winning record. He was also restricted by persistent knee problems. He retired in May 2000 and became an elder in the Japan Sumo Association under the name Yamahibiki. He took over the running over the Kitanoumi stable in November 2015 after the death of its founder and head, former yokozuna Kitanoumi. The stable was renamed Yamahibiki stable. He was elected to the Sumo Association's board of directors in 2018.

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Daidō Kenji

Nombre Daidō
Nacidas el August 21, 1982 (age 42)
Nacidas en Japan

Daidō Kenji is a former professional sumo wrestler (rikishi) from Katsushika, Tokyo, Japan. He made his debut in 2005, reaching the top division six years later, debuting in the July, 2011 tournament. His highest rank was maegashira #8. He is now a sumo coach.

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Ōshio Kenji

Nombre Ōshio
Apellido Kenji
Nacidas el January 4, 1948 (age 76)

Ōshio Kenji is a former sumo wrestler from Kitakyushu, Japan. His highest rank was komusubi. His career lasted twenty six years, from 1962 until 1988, and he holds the record for the most bouts contested in professional sumo. After his retirement at the age of 40 he became an elder of the Japan Sumo Association and set up Shikihide stable in 1992. He left the Sumo Association upon turning 65 in 2013.

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