Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Jambor

Agi Jambor

Nombre Agi
Apellido Jambor
Nacidas el February 4, 1909
Murió el February 3, 1997 (aged 87)
Nacidas en Hungary

Agi Jambor was a Hungarian pianist.

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Vilmos Jámbor

Nombre Vilmos
Nacidas el January 16, 1825
Murió el January 14, 1901 (aged 75)
Nacidas en Hungary, Baranya County
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No lo conozco

John Leslie Jambor

Nombre John
Apellido Jambor
Nacidas el January 1, 1936
Murió el January 18, 2008 (aged 72)
Nacidas en Canada, Quebec

John Leslie Jambor was a Canadian geologist and mineralogist. Jambor was an exceptional figure in the field of mineralogy and a major contributor to the Mineralogical Association of Canada (MAC).
Jambor has a Scopus h-index of 38.

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Lajos Jámbor

Nombre Lajos
Apellido Jámbor
Murió el June 11, 1954
Nacidas en Romania, Bihor County

Lajos "Louis" Jámbor was a Hungarian-American post-impressionist painter, illustrator and background artist for animation. He is known for his illustrations for the book Little Women, and his symbolic and religious artwork found murals and as decoration in churches. He also created portraits for New York society.

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