Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Dicicco

Pat DiCicco

Nombre Pat
Apellido DiCicco
Nacidas el February 14, 1909
Murió el October 24, 1978 (aged 69)

Pasquale "Pat" DiCicco was an American agent, movie producer, and occasional actor, as well as an alleged mobster working for Lucky Luciano. He was married three times, including to Thelma Todd and Gloria Vanderbilt. He was a cousin of Albert R. Broccoli and gave him his well-known nickname "Cubby".

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Tony DiCicco

Nombre Tony
Apellido DiCicco
Nacidas el August 5, 1948
Murió el June 19, 2017 (aged 68)

Anthony D. DiCicco Jr. was a U.S. soccer player and coach and TV commentator. He is best known as the coach of the United States women's national soccer team from 1994 to 1999, during which time the team won an Olympic gold medal in 1996 and the 1999 FIFA Women's World Cup. He was also coach of the USA team that won the 2008 FIFA U-20 Women's World Cup.

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Jessica DiCicco

Jessica Sonya DiCicco
Nombre Jessica
Apellido DiCicco
Nacidas el June 10, 1980 (age 44)

Jessica Sonya DiCicco es una actriz estadounidense de origen italiano. Ella interpreta la voz en inglés Maggie en The Buzz on Maggie, Lexi Bunny en Loonatics, Malina en Las Nuevas Locuras del Emperador, Tica en Los Sábados Secretos, Tambry en Gravity Falls, y Lynn y Lucy Loud en The Loud House.

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