Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Coffee

Glen Coffee

Glenwood Razeem Coffee, Jr is a former American football running back. He was selected by the San Francisco 49ers in the third round of the 2009 NFL Draft and played one season before retiring from football in 2010 and serving in the U.S. Army from 2013 to 2017. Coffee came out of retirement and was reinstated by the NFL on April 21, 2017. He played college football at the University of Alabama.

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Claire Coffee

Nombre Claire
Apellido Coffee
Nacidas el April 14, 1980 (age 44)
Altura 161 cm | 5'3

Claire Coffee es una actriz estadounidense. Es conocida por interpretar a Janie Ross en la serie original de TNT, Franklin & Bash y a Adalind Schade en la serie de drama de la NBC, Grimm.

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Lenore J. Coffee

Nombre Lenore
Nacidas el July 13, 1896
Murió el July 2, 1984 (aged 87)

Lenore Jackson Coffee was an American screenwriter, playwright, and novelist.

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John Coffee

Nombre John
Apellido Coffee
Nacidas el June 2, 1772
Murió el July 7, 1833 (aged 61)

John R. Coffee was an Irish-American planter and state militia general in Tennessee. He commanded troops under General Andrew Jackson during the Creek Wars (1813–14) and during the Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812.

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