Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Brayshaw

Angus Brayshaw

Nombre Angus
Apellido Brayshaw
Nacidas el January 9, 1996 (age 28)
Nacidas en Australia

Angus Brayshaw is a professional Australian rules footballer playing for the Melbourne Football Club in the Australian Football League (AFL). A midfielder, 1.87 metres tall and weighing 91 kilograms (201 lb), Brayshaw is capable of contributing as both an inside and outside midfielder. He has strong family connections in Australian sport whereby his father, Mark Brayshaw, is a former North Melbourne player and the current AFL Coaches' Association Chief Executive Officer, his uncle, James Brayshaw, is a former state cricketer, former North Melbourne chairman and a sport media personality, and his grandfather, Ian Brayshaw, is a former state cricketer and footballer with the Claremont Football Club.

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James Brayshaw

Nombre James
Apellido Brayshaw
Nacidas el May 11, 1967 (age 57)

James Antony Brayshaw is an Australian media personality working in television for the Seven Network and radio for Triple M and a retired cricketer. For Seven Sport he hosts and calls Test cricket during summer and Australian Football League on Friday nights during winter.

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