Lista de Personas Famosas con el apellido Ames

August Ames

Mercedes Grabowski
Nombre August
Apellido Ames
Nacidas el August 23, 1994
Murió el December 5, 2017 (aged 23)
Nacidas en Canada, Nova Scotia
Altura 168 cm | 5'6

August Ames fue una actriz pornográfica canadiense.

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Aldrich Ames

Aldrich Hazen Ames
Nombre Aldrich
Apellido Ames
Nacidas el May 26, 1941 (age 83)

Aldrich Hazen Ames es un exoficial y analista de contra-inteligencia de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia estadounidense, quien entre 1985 y 1991 espió a favor de la Unión Soviética, por lo que sería detenido y juzgado en 1994.

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Herman Vandenburg Ames

Nombre Herman
Apellido Ames
Nacidas el August 7, 1865
Murió el February 7, 1935 (aged 69)

Herman Vandenburg Ames was an American legal historian, archivist, and professor of United States constitutional history at the University of Pennsylvania and, from 1907 to 1928, dean of its graduate school. His 1897 monograph, The Proposed Amendments to the Constitution of the United States During the First Century of Its History, was a landmark work in American constitutional history. Other works by Ames included John C. Calhoun and the Secession Movement of 1850, Slavery and the Union 1845–1861, and The X.Y.Z. Letters, the latter of which he authored with John Bach McMaster. Among his notable students were Ezra Pound, John Musser, and Herbert Eugene Bolton.

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Ed Ames

Edmund Dantes Urick
Nombre Ed
Apellido Ames
Nacidas el July 9, 1927 (age 97)

Ed Ames, who also recorded as Eddie Ames, is an American singer and actor. He is known for playing Mingo in the television series Daniel Boone, and for his pop hits of the mid-to-late 1960s including "My Cup Runneth Over", "Who Will Answer?", and "When the Snow Is on the Roses". He was also part of the popular 1950s singing group with his siblings, The Ames Brothers.

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Frances Ames

Nombre Frances
Apellido Ames
Nacidas el April 20, 1920
Murió el November 11, 2002 (aged 82)
Nacidas en South Africa, Gauteng

Frances Rix Ames Inglés: /frɑːnsɪz eɪmz/ fue una neuróloga, psiquiatra y defensora de los derechos humanos, conocida principalmente por dirigir la investigación ética sobre la muerte del activista en contra del Apartheid, Steve Biko, quien falleció debido a una negligencia médica mientras era torturado bajo custodia policial. Cuando el Consejo médico y dental sudafricano rechazó amonestar al cirujano jefe del distrito y a su asistente, quienes trataron a Biko, Ames y un grupo de cinco académicos y médicos recaudaron fondos y lucharon legalmente durante ocho años contra la organización médica. Ames arriesgó su propia seguridad personal y carrera académica en su lucha por hacer justicia, elevando la disputa hasta el Tribunal Supremo de Sudáfrica, donde finalmente ganó el caso en 1985.

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Nadine Alexandra

Nombre Nadine
Nacidas el May 23, 1991 (age 33)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England
Altura 171 cm | 5'7

Nadine Alexandra Dewi Ames, más conocida como Nadine Alexandra, es una modelo y actriz indonesia nacida el 23 de mayo de 1991 (29 años) en Winchester, Reino Unido. En 2010 fue elegida Puteri Indonesia. Representó a Indonesia en el evento Miss Universo 2011.

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Adelbert Ames

Nombre Adelbert
Nacidas el October 31, 1835
Murió el April 13, 1933 (aged 97)

Adelbert Ames was an American sailor, soldier, and politician who served with distinction as a Union Army general during the American Civil War. A Radical Republican, he was military governor, U.S. Senator, and civilian governor in Reconstruction-era Mississippi. In 1898, he served as a United States Army general during the Spanish–American War. He was the last Republican to serve as the state governor of Mississippi until the election of Kirk Fordice, who took office in January 1992, 116 years since Ames vacated the office.

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Rachel Ames

Nombre Rachel
Apellido Ames
Nacidas el November 2, 1929 (age 95)

Rachel Kay Foulger, known professionally as Rachel Ames, is an American film and television actress.

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Oakes Ames

Nombre Oakes
Apellido Ames
Nacidas el January 10, 1804
Murió el May 8, 1873 (aged 69)

Oakes Ames was an American businessman, investor, and politician. He was a member of the United States House of Representatives from Massachusetts. As a congressman, he is credited by many historians as being the single most important influence in the building of the Union Pacific portion of the transcontinental railroad. He is also noted for the subsequent scandal that alleged the improper sale of stock of the railroad's construction company.

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Butler Ames

Nombre Butler
Apellido Ames
Nacidas el August 22, 1871
Murió el November 6, 1954 (aged 83)

Butler Ames was an American politician, engineer, soldier and businessman. He was the son of Adelbert Ames and grandson of Benjamin Franklin Butler, both decorated generals in the Union Army during the American Civil War.

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