Lista de Personas Famosas nacidas el 26 de diciembre

Udham Singh

Nombre Udham
Nacidas el December 26, 1899
Murió el July 31, 1940 (aged 40)
Nacidas en India

Udham Singh was an Indian revolutionary belonging to the Ghadar Party, best known for his assassination in London of Michael O'Dwyer, the former lieutenant governor of the Punjab in India, on 13 March 1940. The assassination was done in revenge for the Jallianwala Bagh massacre in Amritsar in 1919, for which O'Dwyer was responsible. Singh was subsequently tried and convicted of murder and hanged in July 1940. While in custody, he used the name Ram Mohammad Singh Azad, which represents the three major religions of Punjab and his anti-colonial sentiment.

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Jared Leto

Jared Joseph Leto
Nombre Jared
Nacidas el December 26, 1971 (age 52)
Altura 175 cm | 5'9

Jared Joseph Leto es un actor, músico, director y productor musical estadounidense, fundador de la banda de rock alternativo 30 Seconds to Mars. Ganador de los premios Óscar, Globo de oro y SAG, ha dirigido producciones bajo el nombre de Bartholomew Cubbins.

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Kit Harington

Christopher Catesby Harington
Nombre Kit
Apellido Harington
Nacidas el December 26, 1986 (age 37)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England
Altura 170 cm | 5'7

Christopher Catesby Harington, más conocido como Kit Harington es un actor británico, reconocido internacionalmente por su papel de Jon Snow en la saga Game Of Thrones.

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Chris Daughtry

Nombre Chris
Apellido Daughtry
Nacidas el December 26, 1979 (age 44)

Christopher Adam Daughtry es un músico estadounidense, más conocido por ser vocalista de la banda de rock Daughtry y por su participación en American Idol en donde a pesar de su popularidad obtuvo el cuarto lugar.

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Trevor Siemian

Nombre Trevor
Apellido Siemian
Nacidas el December 26, 1991 (age 32)
Altura 193 cm | 6'4

Trevor John Siemian es un jugador profesional de fútbol americano estadounidense que juega en la posición de quarterback y actualmente milita en los New York Jets de la National Football League (NFL).

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Johannes Oerding

Nombre Johannes
Apellido Oerding
Nacidas el December 26, 1981 (age 42)

Johannes Oerding is a German singer-songwriter.

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Matthew Wade

Nombre Matthew
Apellido Wade
Nacidas el December 26, 1987 (age 36)
Nacidas en Australia, Tasmania

Matthew Scott Wade is an Australian cricketer, who has represented the Australian national team as wicket-keeper in all three forms of international cricket. He plays domestic first-class and List A cricket for the Tasmanian cricket team, also acting as the team's captain. He plays domestic Twenty20 cricket for the Hobart Hurricanes.

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Charles Hercules Green

Nombre Charles
Apellido Green
Nacidas el December 26, 1919
Murió el November 1, 1950 (aged 30)

Lieutenant Colonel Charles Hercules Green DSO was the youngest Australian Army infantry battalion commander during World War II. He went on to command the 3rd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, during the Korean War, where he died of his wounds. He remains the only commanding officer of a Royal Australian Regiment battalion to die on active service. Green joined the part-time Militia in 1936, and before the outbreak of World War II had been commissioned as a lieutenant. He volunteered for overseas service soon after the war began in September 1939, and served in the Middle East and the Battle of Greece with the 2/2nd Battalion. After the action at Pineios Gorge on 18 April 1941, Green became separated from the main body of the battalion, and made his way through Turkey to Palestine, to rejoin the reformed 2/2nd Battalion. The 2/2nd Battalion returned to Australia in August 1942 via Ceylon, to meet the threat posed by the Japanese.

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Phil Spector

Harvey Phillip Spector
Nombre Phil
Nacidas el December 26, 1939
Murió el January 16, 2021 (aged 81)

Harvey Philip Spector, conocido como Phil Spector, fue un músico y productor estadounidense. Considerado una de las figuras más influyentes de la historia de la música pop y el primer auteur en la industria de la música, su técnica de orquestación, el llamado muro de sonido, consistente en grabar múltiples pistas de acompañamiento, superponiéndolas hasta crear un sonido compacto y algo apabullante, influyó en el trabajo de muchos otros artistas, como The Beach Boys y The Beatles, quienes lo llamaron para la grabación de Let It Be.

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John Walsh

Nombre John
Apellido Walsh
Nacidas el December 26, 1945 (age 78)

John Edward Walsh Jr. is an American television personality, criminal investigator, victim rights advocate, and the host/creator of America's Most Wanted. He is known for his anti-crime activism, with which he became involved following the murder of his son, Adam, in 1981; in 2008, the late serial killer Ottis Toole was officially named as Adam's killer. He was part-owner of the now defunct Museum of Crime & Punishment in Washington, D.C. He also anchors an investigative documentary series, The Hunt with John Walsh, which debuted on CNN in 2014.

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