Lista de Personas Famosas nacidas en Provincia de Toliara

Régis Gizavo

François Régis Gizavo
Nombre Régis
Apellido Gizavo
Nacidas el June 16, 1959
Murió el July 16, 2017 (aged 58)

Régis Gizavo was a Malagasy accordionist. He was born in Tulear, Madagascar and began playing the accordion at a young age. In 1990 he won the Radio France Internationale "Prix découvertes".

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Emmanuel Rakotovahiny

Nombre Emmanuel
Apellido Rakotovahiny
Nacidas el August 16, 1938
Murió el July 1, 2020 (aged 81)

Emmanuel Rakotovahiny was a Malagasy politician who was Prime Minister of Madagascar from 1995 to 1996. A close ally of Albert Zafy, he was the President of the National Union for Democracy and Development (UNDD), a political party, as well as the Vice-President of the National Reconciliation Committee (CRN), a group headed by Zafy. On 6 October 2009, he was designated to become Vice-President of Madagascar as part of an agreement intended to resolve the 2009 political crisis.

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