Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Yury

Yury Dud

Nombre Yury
Nacidas el October 11, 1986 (age 38)
Nacidas en Germany, Brandenburg

Yury Aleksandrovich Dud is a Russian sports journalist and YouTuber. He was editor-in-chief of from 2011-2018 and since 2018, has been Deputy Director-General. In 2017, he launched his YouTube channel vDud where he interviews famous figures from Russia and other post-Soviet states.

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Yuri Solomin

Юрий Мефодьевич Соломин
Nombre Yury
Nacidas el June 18, 1935 (age 89)
Nacidas en Russia, Zabaykalsky Krai

Yuri Mefódievich Solomin es un actor, cineasta ruso y director artístico del Teatro Malyy de Moscú desde 1988.

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Yury Chaika

Nombre Yury
Nacidas el May 21, 1951 (age 73)

Yuri Yákovlevich Chaika es el actual fiscal general de Rusia (2006-2020).

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Yury Kuklachyov

Nombre Yury
Nacidas el April 12, 1949 (age 75)
Nacidas en Russia

Yuri Dmitrievich Kuklachyov is a Soviet and Russian clown who was awarded the title People’s Artist of the RSFSR (1986). He is known for his work with cats.

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Yury Belyayev

Nombre Yury
Nacidas el August 28, 1947 (age 77)

Yury Viktorovich Belyaev is a Soviet and Russian film and theatre actor. He has received the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1995) and the USSR State Prize (1991).

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Yuri Karáyev

Nombre Yury
Nacidas el June 21, 1966 (age 58)

Yuri Jadzhimurátovich Karáyev es un general bielorruso nacido en Rusia. Fue ministro del Interior de Bielorrusia del 11 de junio de 2019 al 29 de octubre de 2020. También es mayor general de la policía.

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Yury A. Dmitriev

Nombre Yury
Nacidas el January 28, 1956 (age 69)
Nacidas en Russia, Karelia

Yury Alexeyevich Dmitriev is a civil rights activist and local historian in Karelia. Since the early 1990s, he has worked to locate the execution sites of Stalin's Great Terror and identify as many as possible of the buried victims they contain. As a result of his commitment, Karelia's past is better documented in this respect than almost any other part of the Russian Federation.

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Yuri Bashmet

Nombre Yury
Nacidas el January 24, 1953 (age 72)
Nacidas en Russia, Rostov Oblast

Yuri Abrámovich Bashmet es un violista clásico ruso de celebridad mundial, notable intérprete de obras de Schubert, Brahms, Shostakóvich y compositores rusos contemporáneos que han compuesto para él.

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Yury Skuratov

Nombre Yury
Nacidas el July 3, 1952 (age 72)

Yury Ilyich Skuratov is a Russian lawyer and politician.

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Yury Chyzh

Nombre Yury
Nacidas el March 28, 1963 (age 61)

Yury Chyzh is a Belarusian businessman, believed to be one of the country's richest people. According to estimates, he is the second-wealthiest businessman in Belarus, the first being Vladimir Peftiev. On March 23, 2012, Chyzh was included in EU's travel ban list because of his alleged ties to the regime of Alexander Lukashenko.

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