Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Yumi

Yumi Arai

Nombre Yumi
Apellido Matsutoya
Nacidas el January 19, 1954 (age 71)
Nacidas en Japan, Tokyo

Yumi Matsutoya, también conocida por su nombre artístico de soltera, Arai Yumi, es una cantante, compositora de canciones, pianista y letrista japonesa. Es conocida por su característica voz y sus presentaciones en vivo, y es una figura importante en la música popular de Japón.

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Yumi Yoshimura

Nombre Yumi
Apellido Yoshimura
Nacidas el January 30, 1975 (age 50)
Nacidas en Japan, Osaka Prefecture

Yumi Yoshimura es una cantante japonesa, conocida por ser parte del dúo musical Puffy AmiYumi junto a Ami Ōnuki. Con Ōnuki también fue conductora del programa Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa-Puffy desde 1997 a 2002.

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Yumi Karahashi

Nombre Yumi
Apellido Karahashi
Nacidas el October 22, 1974 (age 50)
Nacidas en Japan
Altura 155 cm | 5'1

Yumi Karahashi is a Japanese announcer who is represented by the talent agency, Sankei. She is also a professor of Josai International University.

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Yumi Adachi

Nombre Yumi
Apellido Adachi
Nacidas el September 14, 1981 (age 43)
Nacidas en Japan, Tokyo

Yumi Adachi. Es una modelo, cantante y actriz japonesa.

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Yumi Morio

Nombre Yumi
Apellido Morio
Nacidas el June 8, 1966 (age 58)
Altura 162 cm | 5'4

Yumi Kawai , better known by the stage name Yumi Morio , is a Japanese actress employed by the talent management firm Stardust Promotion.

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Yumi Ishikawa

Nombre Yumi
Apellido Ishikawa
Nacidas el January 1, 1987 (age 38)
Nacidas en Japan

Yumi Ishikawa is a Japanese actress, model, writer and opinion leader. She is a founder of the KuToo movement. In 2019, she was included on the BBC's 100 Women list.

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Yumi Hogan

Nombre Yumi
Apellido Hogan
Nacidas el December 25, 1959 (age 65)

Yumi Hogan is a Korean–American artist. She is the First Lady of the State of Maryland as the wife of Larry Hogan, the Governor of Maryland. Hogan is the first Korean American first lady of a U.S. state and the first Asian American first lady in the history of Maryland.

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Yumi Asou

Nombre Yumi
Apellido Asō
Nacidas el August 15, 1963 (age 61)
Nacidas en Japan, Ōsaka Prefecture

Yumi Okumura , better known by the stage name Yumi Asō , is a Japanese actress. She is a niece of singer Chiyo Okumura. She married actor Toshiya Nagasawa in March 2004, and they had one child. The couple separated less than two years later, and officially divorced in 2008.

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Yumi Takigawa

Nombre Yumi
Apellido Takigawa
Nacidas el February 16, 1951 (age 74)
Nacidas en Japan, Tokyo

Yumi Takigawa is a Japanese actress and singer. She has appeared in more than 50 films since 1974.

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Yumi Suzuki

Nombre Yumi
Apellido Suzuki
Nacidas el December 2, 1991 (age 33)
Nacidas en Japan, Hokkaido
Altura 146 cm | 4'9

Yumi Suzuki –en japonés, 鈴木夕湖, Suzuki Yumi– es una deportista japonesa que compite en curling.

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