Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Ygor

Ygor Coelho

Nombre Ygor
Nacidas el November 24, 1996 (age 28)
Nacidas en Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Altura 183 cm | 6'0

Ygor Coelho de Oliveira is a badminton player from Brazil. He won the Pan Am Junior Badminton Championships six times in the boys' singles and 4 times in the mixed doubles event with Lohaynny Vicente. Oliveira placed 27th in the world junior ranking, and went on to compete at the 2014 Summer Youth Olympics in Nanjing, China. He won his first senior international title at the 2014 Puerto Rico International in the men's singles event. He competed at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and became the first Brazil's male Olympic badminton player. He clinched three gold medals at the 2018 South American Games in the men's singles, doubles, and team event. Coelho won a gold medal in the men's singles at the 2019 Lima Pan American Games.

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