Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Waltheof

Waltheof, Earl of Northumbria

Nombre Waltheof,
Murió el May 31, 1076
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Waltheof, Earl of Northumbria was the last of the Anglo-Saxon earls and the only English aristocrat to be executed during the reign of William I.

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Waltheof of Melrose

Nombre Waltheof
Nacidas el November 30, 1094
Murió el August 3, 1159 (aged 64)

Waltheof was a 12th-century English abbot and saint. He was the son of Simon I of St Liz, 1st Earl of Northampton and Maud, 2nd Countess of Huntingdon, thus stepson to David I of Scotland, and the grandson of Waltheof, Earl of Northampton.

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