Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Tia
Tia Dashon Mowry
Tia Dashon Mowry es una actriz estadounidense nacida en Alemania. Fue famosa por su papel con su hermana gemela Tamera Mowry, en la sitcom Hermana, hermana/Cosas de hermanas y también en las películas Brujillizas y Brujillizas 2.
Tia Carrere
Althea Rae Janairo, conocida artísticamente como Tia Carrere, es una actriz, modelo y cantante estadounidense. Se destacó por el papel de la cazatesoros Sydney Fox en la serie televisiva Relic Hunter (Cazatesoros), coproducida por Canadá y Reino Unido, y en la que comparte reparto junto a Christien Anholt.
Tia Lee
Tia Lee, a veces escrito como "Tia Li", es una cantante, modelo comercial y actriz taiwanesa. Ella es miembro del grupo femenino Taiwanes Dream Girls y actualmente se desempeña como solista y actriz.
Tia Ray
Tia Ray or Yuan Yawei is a Chinese singer. In 2004, she began to work as a background singer for Chinese singers including Jane Zhang and Ma Tianyu. In 2013, she appeared on the Chinese singing contest, The Voice of China, and debuted her singing career. In 2014, she released her debut self-titled studio album. Ray was also notable on her appearance in Singer since 2017, with her most recent appearance on 2020 as the season's runner-up.
Tia Eron
Eronildes Vasconcelos Carvalho more commonly known as Tia Eron is a Brazilian politician. She has spent her political career representing Bahia, having served as state representative from 2015 to 2017.
Tia Texada
Tia Nicole Tucker, conocida artísticamente como Tia Texada es una actriz y cantante estadounidense conocida por sus actuaciones en series como Third Watch y Huge. También ha trabajado como actriz de voz para anuncios del programa deportivo The NFL Today.
Tia Ciata
Tia Ciata, born Hilária Batista de Almeida (1854-1924) was a cook, mãe-de-santo of Candomblé, and an influential figure in the development of samba. She was born in Santo Amaro, Bahia, and initiated in Candomblé in Salvador by Bangboshe Obitikô. She was a devotee of deity Oshun and became the iyakekerê, or second most important leader, in the terreiro of João Alabá in Rio de Janeiro. "Ciata", the name by which she is now known, is a variant on the Arabic name Aycha; it was a common feminine name among the Muslim community from Portuguese Guinea that formerly resided in Rio de Janeiro.
Tia Hellebaut
Tia Hellebaut es una exatleta belga especialista en salto de altura y pruebas combinadas. Se proclamó campeona de Europa de salto de altura en Gotemburgo 2006 y campeona olímpica en Pekín 2008.
Tia Ivanka
Tia Lilian Maniapoto-Cheer