Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Terrie

Terrie Hall

Nombre Terrie
Nacidas el July 19, 1960
Murió el September 16, 2013 (aged 53)

Terrie Linn McNutt Hall was an American anti-smoking and anti-tobacco advocate. She was a survivor of ten cancer diagnoses, undergoing 48 radiation treatments, and nearly a year's worth of chemotherapy, before and after undergoing a laryngectomy in 2001. She was well known for starring in one of the ads of CDC's smoking ad campaign, as well as traveling across America to educate youth and adults about the consequences of tobacco use. By her 11th cancer diagnosis, Hall died at the age of 53.

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Terrie Snell

Nombre Terrie
Nacidas el November 30, 1943 (age 81)

Terrie Snell es una actriz estadounidense, reconocida principalmente por interpretar el papel de Leslie McCallister en la película Home Alone y en su secuela, Home Alone 2: Lost in New York.

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