Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Suheir
Suheir Hammad
Suheir Hammad es una poetisa, escritora, intérprete y activista política estadounidense de origen palestino. Nació en Amán, hija de padres palestinos expulsados de Israel, aunque se crio en Brooklyn y Staten Island. Entre sus obras destacan Born Palestinian, Born Black, sobre su infancia en un barrio neoyorquino en el que era "una minoría dentro de otra minoría", y Breaking Poems, sobre sus experiencias tras el bombardeo israelí del Líbano y en torno al sufrimiento del pueblo palestino. Ha participado en el programa Def Poetry Jam, ganador de un Premio Tony, y ha ganado un American Book Award en 2009 por Breaking Poems.
Suheir Atassi
Suheir al-Atassi is the leading female secular activist in the Syrian opposition, and co-vice-president of the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces between November 2012 and December 2013. She has been called the "Lady of the Revolution" and is widely respected in secular and intellectual circles within the Syrian opposition structure. She had previously run the media wing of the banned Jamal Atassi Forum, which was named after her father, a founding member of the Ba'ath Party who later left and founded the Democratic Arab Socialist Union.