Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Shon
Shon Hopwood
Shon Robert Hopwood is an American appellate lawyer and professor of law at Georgetown University Law Center. Hopwood became well-known as a jailhouse lawyer who served time in prison for bank robbery. While in prison, he started spending time in the law library, and became an accomplished United States Supreme Court practitioner by the time he left in 2009.
Shon Weissman
Shon Zalman Weissman es un futbolista israelí que se desempeña como delantero, actualmente en las filas del Real Valladolid C. F. de la Primera División de España.
Shon Wan-ho
Son Wan-Ho –en hangul, 손완호– es un deportista surcoreano que compitió en bádminton. Ganó una medalla de bronce en el Campeonato Mundial de Bádminton de 2017 en la prueba individual.
Shon Seung-mo
Shon Seung-Mo –en hangul, 손승모– es un deportista surcoreano que compitió en bádminton, en la modalidad individual.
Shawn Lee
Shawn Lee is an American musician, producer, video game composer and multi-instrumentalist, who now lives in London, England. He is currently working on a new touring band project with AM entitled "AM & Shawn Lee". AM & Shawn Lee's debut album Celestial Electric was released around the world in 2012 and their new second album La Musique Numérique was released in 2013.
Shon Jin-hwan
Shon Jin-hwan is a retired male badminton player from South Korea.