Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Shelly

Shelly Pennefather

Nombre Shelly
Apellido Pennefather
Nacidas el November 30, 1965 (age 59)

Mary Michelle Pennefather, now known as Sister Rose Marie of the Queen of Angels, is a former professional basketball player. Winner of the Wade Trophy in 1987, she went on to play premier league basketball in Japan before retiring to a monastic life.

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Shelly Yachimovich

רחל יחימוביץ'
Nombre Shelly
Apellido Yachimovich
Nacidas el March 28, 1960 (age 64)
Nacidas en Israel, Central District

Shelly Rachel Yachimovich is an Israeli politician, who served as the leader of the opposition three times, a member of the Knesset, and a member of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. She served as leader of the Israeli Labor Party between 2011 and 2013. Before entering politics, she was a journalist, an author, and a television and radio commentator.

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Shelly Johnson

Nombre Shelly
Apellido Johnson

Shelly Johnson, A.S.C is an American cinematographer. He is a frequent collaborator with director Joe Johnston, working with him on films such as Jurassic Park III, The Wolfman and Captain America: The First Avenger.

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Shelly Berg

Nombre Shelly
Apellido Berg
Nacidas el August 18, 1955 (age 69)

Shelton "Shelly" Glen Berg is an American pianist, composer, arranger, orchestrator, and producer. He is the Dean and Patricia L. Frost Professor of Music at the Frost School of Music at the University of Miami.

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