Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Sheilah

Sheilah Maureen Westropp

Nombre Sheilah
Nacidas el April 6, 1927 (age 97)
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No lo conozco

Sheilah Moore Gillespie

Nombre Sheilah
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No lo conozco

Sheilah Martin

Nombre Sheilah
Nacidas el November 30, 1956 (age 67)
Nacidas en Canada, Quebec

Sheilah L. Martin is a Puisne Justice on the Supreme Court of Canada, having served in that role since December 18, 2017. She was nominated to the court by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on November 29, 2017. Before her appointment to Canada's highest court, Martin had served on the Court of Appeal of Alberta, the Court of Appeal for the Northwest Territories, and the Court of Appeal of Nunavut since 2016, and the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta from 2005 to 2016. Martin is considered an expert in judicial ethics.

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No lo conozco

Sheilah Wells

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No lo conozco
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