Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Rush

Rush Limbaugh

Rush Hudson Limbaugh III
Nombre Rush
Apellido Limbaugh
Nacidas el January 12, 1951
Murió el February 17, 2021 (aged 70)

Rush Hudson Limbaugh III fue un locutor de radio, comentarista político conservador y escritor estadounidense cuyo programa de radio The Rush Limbaugh Show se englobaba dentro del grupo de cadenas de radio Premiere Radio Networks.

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Rush Propst

Nombre Rush
Apellido Propst
Nacidas el January 1, 1957 (age 68)

Thomas Rush Propst is the football head coach of Valdosta High School in Valdosta, Georgia. He is the former head coach at Colquitt County High School in Moultrie, Georgia and Hoover High School in Hoover, Alabama. Propst gained national notoriety through the MTV series Two-A-Days, which chronicled the 2005 and 2006 seasons of his Hoover team.

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