Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Rotbold

Ratbold I de Provença

Nombre Rotbold
Nacidas el January 1, 1000
Murió el January 1, 1008 (aged 8)

Rotbold I was a French nobleman. He was Count of Provence from 968 until his death and margrave from 993. He was the elder of two sons of Boso II of Provence and Constance of Vienne, his younger brother being William I, who took up the title of marchio in 979 and that of dux later. He ruled with William, probably jointly over the whole county. On William's death, Rotbold was left as head of the family with the title of marchio.

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No lo conozco

Ratbold II de Provença

Nombre Rotbold
Nacidas el January 1, 1000
Murió el April 22, 1015 (aged 15)

Rotbold II was the Count and Margrave of Provence from 1008 to his death. He was the only son of Rotbold I and Emilde, daughter of Stephen, Viscount of Gévaudan. He inherited all his father's titles on his death in 1008. He is an obscure person, difficult to differentiate from his father.

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No lo conozco
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