Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Raizo

Raizo Matsuno

Nombre Raizo
Apellido Matsuno
Nacidas el February 12, 1917
Murió el May 10, 2006 (aged 89)

Raizo Matsuno was a Japanese politician. Matsuno was born in Yamaga, Kumamoto, Kumamoto Prefecture in 1917. He served in the Imperial Japanese Navy as an officer at the end of World War II as he was attending Naval Accounting School.

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Raizo Wakabayashi

Nombre Raizo
Apellido Wakabayashi
Nacidas el January 14, 1866
Murió el November 27, 1941 (aged 75)

Raizo Wakabayashi was a Japanese politician who served as governor of Shimane Prefecture (1908), Nara Prefecture (1909-1913), Yamanashi Prefecture (1913-1914), Saga Prefecture (1914-1915), Kagawa Prefecture (1915-1917), Ehime Prefecture (1917-1919), Hiroshima Prefecture from April 1919 to July 1921 and Kyoto Prefecture (1921-1922).

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