Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Petro

Petro Poroshenko

Nombre Petro
Apellido Poroshenko
Nacidas el September 26, 1965 (age 59)
Fortuna $1.6B

Petró Oleksiyóvich Poroshenko es un empresario y político de Ucrania y que desde el 7 de junio de 2014 hasta el 20 de mayo de 2019 ejerció como presidente de Ucrania a veces citado como una de las personas más influyentes en la política ucraniana. Igualmente es conocido por ser una de las figuras más ricas de Ucrania.

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Pyotr Grigorenko

Nombre Petro
Apellido Grigorenko
Nacidas el October 16, 1907
Murió el February 21, 1987 (aged 79)

Petro Grigorenko or Petro Hryhorovych Hryhorenko was a high-ranking Soviet Army commander of Ukrainian descent, who in his fifties became a dissident and a writer, one of the founders of the human rights movement in the Soviet Union.

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Petro Bolbochan

Nombre Petro
Apellido Bolbochan
Nacidas el October 5, 1883
Murió el June 28, 1919 (aged 35)

Petro Bolbochan - Ukrainian military figure, colonel of the UPR Army, leader of the Crimean operation against the Bolsheviks to establishment of Ukrainian power on the territory of the peninsula and taking control of the Black Sea Fleet. From November 1918 to January 1919, Bolbochan headed the Defense of Northeastern Ukraine.

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Petro Dyminskyi

Nombre Petro
Apellido Dyminsky
Nacidas el November 27, 1954 (age 70)

Petro Petrovych Dyminskyi is a Ukrainian politician, businessman and former footballer for FC Kryvbas Kryvyi Rih.

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Petro Konashevych-Sahaidachny

Nombre Petro
Nacidas el July 9, 1582
Murió el April 20, 1622 (aged 39)

Petro Konashevych-Sahaidachny was a Ukrainian political and civic leader, Hetman of Ukrainian Zaporozhian Cossacks from 1616 to 1622, a brilliant military leader of Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth both on land and sea. While being a Cossack Hetman, he transformed the Cossack Host from the erratic military formation into regular army. Under his leadership the cossacks, the Orthodox clergy and peasants had been begun to emerge as the united nation. His troops played a significant role in the battle of Khotyn against the Turks in 1621 and prince Władysław's attempt to gain the Muscovy throne in 1618.

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Petro Slobodyan

Nombre Petro
Apellido Slobodyan
Nacidas el July 2, 1953
Murió el December 15, 2020 (aged 67)
Altura 177 cm | 5'10

Petro Petrovych Slobodyan was a Soviet football player and a Ukrainian coach.

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Petro Shelest

Nombre Petro
Apellido Shelest
Nacidas el February 1, 1908
Murió el January 22, 1996 (aged 87)
Nacidas en Ukraine, Kharkiv Oblast

Petro Yukhymovych Shelest was the First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, a member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR.

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Petro Petrovych Tolochko

Nombre Petro
Apellido Tolochko
Nacidas el February 21, 1938 (age 87)

Petro Petrovych Tolochko is a Soviet and Ukrainian historian, archaeologist, and political activist. He is one of the leading specialists in history of the Kievan Rus and one of leading researchers of the NASU Institute of Archaeology of Ukraine.

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Petro Mykolayovich Symonenko

Nombre Petro
Apellido Symonenko
Nacidas el August 1, 1952 (age 72)

Petró Mikoláiovich Simonenko es un político ucraniano, secretario general del Partido Comunista de Ucrania. Durante la década de 1980 trabajó como funcionario de la RSS de Ucrania, cuando el país aún formaba parte de la Unión Soviética. Fue candidato en las elecciones presidenciales ucranianas de 1999 y obtuvo el 22,4% de los votos y la segunda posición en la primera vuelta, de manera que fue el candidato que se enfrentó en la segunda vuelta a Leonid Kuchma, en la que obtuvo el 37,8% de los votos, quedando nuevamente en segunda posición.

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Petro Balabuyev

Nombre Petro
Apellido Balabuyev
Nacidas el May 23, 1931
Murió el May 17, 2007 (aged 75)
Nacidas en Ukraine, Luhansk Oblast

Petro Vasylovych Balabuyev was a Ukrainian aircraft designer, engineer, Doctor of Engineering (1988), professor, chief designer of the Antonov Design Bureau, Hero of Socialist Labour and a Hero of Ukraine, head of Kiev-based Antonov Aircraft for almost 20 years.

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