Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Pansy

Pansy Ho

Nombre Pansy
Nacidas el August 26, 1962 (age 62)
Fortuna $4.3B

Pansy Catalina Ho Chiu-king ONM is a Hong Kong-Canadian billionaire businesswoman who is the daughter of Macau-based businessman Stanley Ho, and the managing director of various companies he founded, including Shun Tak Holdings and the Sociedade de Turismo e Diversões de Macau. Pansy has major interests in two of the six casino licence-holders in Macau. She was named 23rd on Forbes’ list of Hong Kong’s 50 richest people in 2020 with an estimated fortune of HK$32.9 billion.

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No lo conozco

Pansy Constance Thorne

Nombre Pansy
Nacidas el December 16, 1921
Murió el August 9, 1996 (aged 74)
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No lo conozco

Pansy Nina Nutting

Nombre Pansy
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No lo conozco

Pansy Myra Edith Bonham-Carter

Nombre Pansy
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No lo conozco
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