Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Osroes

Osroes I

Nombre Osroes
Nacidas el November 30, 0049
Murió el January 1, 0129 (aged 79)

Osroes I fue un rey que gobernó sobre el Imperio parto de 109 hasta 129. Sucedió a su hermano Pacoro II. Durante su reinado contendió con su rival Vologases III, establecido en el levante de Partia.

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Osroes II de Pàrtia

Nombre Osroes

Osroes II, was a claimant of the throne of the Parthian Empire c. 190. He is unknown to history except for the coins he issued. The date of his reign suggests that he rebelled against Vologases IV but was unable to maintain himself against Vologases V. His coins were issued by the mint at Ecbatana, suggesting that he controlled Media.

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