Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Neill

Neill Blomkamp

Nombre Neill
Apellido Blomkamp
Nacidas el September 17, 1979 (age 45)
Nacidas en South Africa, Gauteng

Neill Blomkamp es un director de cine y guionista sudafricano, con nacionalidad canadiense. Su cine se caracteriza por un estilo documental, cámara en mano, cinéma vérité, que utiliza efectos naturalistas y realistas generados por ordenador y una temática social. Actualmente reside en Vancouver.

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No lo conozco

Neill Malcolm

Nombre Neill
Apellido Malcolm
Nacidas el October 8, 1869
Murió el December 21, 1953 (aged 84)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Major-General Sir Neill Malcolm, KCB, DSO was a British Army officer who served as Chief of Staff to Fifth Army in the First World War and later commanded the Troops in the Straits Settlements.

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No lo conozco

Neill Malcolm

Nombre Neill
Apellido Malcolm
Nacidas el November 5, 1797
Murió el October 2, 1857 (aged 59)
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No lo conozco

Neill Cooper-Key

Nombre Neill
Apellido Cooper-Key
Nacidas el April 26, 1907
Murió el January 5, 1981 (aged 73)

Sir Edmund McNeill Cooper-Key was a British Conservative politician. He was Member of Parliament for Hastings from 1945 until his retirement in 1970.

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No lo conozco

Neill Malcolm

Nombre Neill
Apellido Malcolm
Nacidas el November 30, 1768
Murió el November 30, 1836 (aged 68)
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No lo conozco

Neill Macdougall

Nombre Neill
Apellido Macdougall
Murió el April 13, 1813
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No lo conozco

Neill S. Brown

Nombre Neill
Apellido Brown
Nacidas el April 18, 1810
Murió el January 30, 1886 (aged 75)

Neill Smith Brown was an American politician and diplomat who served as Governor of Tennessee from 1847 to 1849, and as the United States Minister to Russia from 1850 to 1853. He also served several terms in the Tennessee House of Representatives, and was Speaker of the House for the 1855–1857 term. A lifelong Whig, Brown campaigned to keep Tennessee in the Union in the years leading up to the Civil War. However, once the war began, he sided with the Confederacy.

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No lo conozco

Neill Conner Malcolm

Nombre Neill
Apellido Malcolm
Nacidas el July 30, 1996 (age 28)
Conozco \
No lo conozco

Neill (?)

Nombre Neill
Apellido (?)
Conozco \
No lo conozco
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