Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Murad

Murad Gaidarov

Nombre Murad
Apellido Gaidarov
Nacidas el February 13, 1980 (age 44)
Altura 176 cm | 5'9

Murad Zairudinovich Gaidárov, también transliterado como Murad Haidarau –en bielorruso, Мурад Зайрудзінавіч Гайдараў; en ruso, Мурад Зайрудинович Гайдаров–, es un deportista bielorruso de origen dagustano que compitió en lucha libre.

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Murad Ismail

Nombre Murad
Apellido Ismail
Nacidas el September 11, 1961 (age 63)

Murad Ismail is an Indonesian politician and policeman, who is serving as the current Governor of Maluku. Prior to becoming governor, Murad was a retired high-ranking National Police officer who became the Inspector General of the Police.

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Murad Ismail Said

Nombre Murad
Apellido Said
Nacidas el December 15, 1982 (age 41)

Murad Ismail Said is a Palestinian professional footballer who played as a defensive midfielder for Al-Wehdat in the Jordan Premier League and the Palestine national football team.

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