Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Michele

Michele Tafoya

Nombre Michele
Apellido Tafoya
Nacidas el December 17, 1964 (age 60)
Altura 169 cm | 5'7

Michele Joan Tafoya Beaurain, known professionally as Michele Tafoya, is an American sportscaster. Since 2011, she has been a reporter for NBC Sports, primarily as a sideline reporter for NBC Sunday Night Football.

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Michele Morrone

Nombre Michele
Apellido Morrone
Nacidas el October 3, 1990 (age 34)
Nacidas en Italy, Lombardy
Altura 188 cm | 6'2

Michele Morrone is an Italian actor, model, singer, and fashion designer appearing in both Italian and Polish films. He gained international recognition after portraying the role of Massimo Torricelli in the 2020 erotic romantic drama 365 Days. The film has been breaking Netflix records since its release on 7 June 2020.

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Michele Dotrice

Nombre Michele
Apellido Dotrice
Nacidas el September 27, 1948 (age 76)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England
Altura 155 cm | 5'1

Michele Dotrice is an English actress, best known for her portrayal of Betty Spencer, the long-suffering wife of Frank Spencer, played by Michael Crawford, in the BBC sitcom Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em, which ran from 1973 to 1978, and returned in 2016 for a special.

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Michèle Laroque

Nombre Michèle
Apellido Laroque
Nacidas el June 15, 1960 (age 64)
Altura 171 cm | 5'7

Michèle Laroque is a French actress, comedian, humorist, producer and screenwriter.

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Michèle Bernier

Nombre Michèle
Apellido Bernier
Nacidas el August 2, 1956 (age 68)
Nacidas en France, Île-de-France, Paris

Michèle Bernier is a French actress, writer and director.

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Michèle Mercier

Nombre Michèle
Apellido Mercier
Nacidas el January 1, 1939 (age 86)

Michèle Mercier, como Jocelyne Yvonne Renée Mercier es una actriz francesa conocida principalmente por su papel en la serie de películas Angélique, Marquise des Anges.

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Michele Miscavige

Michele Diane Barnett
Nombre Michele
Apellido Miscavige
Nacidas el January 18, 1961 (age 64)

Michele Diane Miscavige, más conocida como Shelly Miscavige, era la esposa del líder de la Iglesia de la Cienciología, David Miscavige, que desapareció en agosto de 2007. En 2018 se notificó que vivía apartada del foco mediático, sin darse muchos detalles de su vida.

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Michèle Torr

Michelle Odette Kléberte Tort
Nombre Michèle
Apellido Torr
Nacidas el April 7, 1947 (age 77)

Michèle Torr es una cantante francesa.

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Michèle Flournoy

Nombre Michèle
Apellido Flournoy
Nacidas el December 14, 1960 (age 64)

Michèle Angélique Flournoy is an American defense policy advisor and former government official. She was Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy under President Bill Clinton and Under Secretary of Defense for Policy under President Barack Obama.

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Michele Civetta

Nombre Michele
Apellido Civetta
Nacidas el January 1, 1976 (age 49)

Michele Civetta is an Italian film director and multi-media artist and founder of Quintessence Films.

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