Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Marietta
Marietta Slomka
Marietta Slomka es una periodista y moderadora de televisión alemana. Su padre viene de Prusia Oriental y su madre de Colonia.
Marietta Chudakova
Marietta Omarovna Chudakova was a Soviet and Russian literary critic, historian, and doctor of philological sciences, writer, memoirist, public figure. She was the chairman of the All-Russian Bulgakov Foundation.
Marietta Blau
Marietta Blau fue una física austríaca.
Marietta Martin
Marietta Martin (1902–1944) was a French writer, journalist and French Resistance worker. She was an editor of La France Continue, a clandestine Resistance newspaper, transformed, after her death, into Ici Paris.
Marietta di Monaco
Marietta Sneed
Marietta Scaramanga
Marietta Marich
Marietta Marich was an American actress, singer, writer, stage director, and television host. Born in Dallas, Texas, Marich became a prominent stage actress in Houston beginning in the 1950s. She later began appearing in films in the 1980s, making her screen debut in Courtship (1987). She subsequently appeared in a number of films in supporting roles, including Simple Men (1992), Leap of Faith (1993), and Wes Anderson's Rushmore (1998).
Marietta de Patras
Marietta de Patras fue la amante griega del rey Juan II de Chipre y la madre de su hijo ilegítimo el rey Jacobo II de Chipre. Poco después del matrimonio del Rey Juan con Helena Paleóloga, la nueva Reina ordenó que se cortara la nariz de Marietta. Después de la muerte de su hijo, la llevaron a Venecia, donde la mantuvieron en semicautiverio.
Marietta Robusti
Marietta Robusti, a veces conocida como Tintoretta, fue una pintora italiana, hija de Jacopo Comin, Tintoretto.