Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Marci

Marci Ien

Nombre Marci
Nacidas el July 29, 1969 (age 55)
Nacidas en Canada, Ontario

Marci Ien is a Canadian politician serving as the Member of Parliament for the riding of Toronto Centre. Previously, she was a broadcast journalist for CTV. She co-hosted the CTV daytime talk show The Social from 2017 until 2020. Previously, she was a reporter for CTV News and a co-anchor on the CTV morning program Canada AM.

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Marci Bowers

Nombre Marci
Nacidas el January 18, 1958 (age 67)

Marci Lee Bowers is an American gynecologist and surgeon who specializes in gender confirmation surgeries. Bowers is viewed as an innovator in gender confirmation/affirmation surgery, and is the first transgender woman to perform such surgeries.

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Marci Klein

Nombre Marci
Nacidas el January 1, 1967 (age 58)

Marci Klein is an American television producer best known for her work on Saturday Night Live and 30 Rock. She has won four Emmy Awards. She is the daughter of fashion designer Calvin Klein.

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Marci Ann Bomford

Nombre Marci
Nacidas el October 12, 1972 (age 52)
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