Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Manne

Manne Siegbahn

Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn
Nombre Manne
Apellido Siegbahn
Nacidas el December 3, 1886
Murió el September 26, 1978 (aged 91)
Nacidas en Sweden, Örebro County

Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn fue un físico sueco, que recibió en 1924 el Premio Nobel de Física.

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Manne Dipico

Nombre Manne
Apellido Dipico
Nacidas el April 21, 1959 (age 65)

Manne Emsley Dipico, first Premier of the Northern Cape Province, South Africa, was born in Kimberley on 21 April 1959. He was appointed Chairman of the Nuclear Energy Corporation of South Africa (Necsa) in 2006. He is Chairman of Ponahalo Holdings and Deputy Chairman of De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. He is the first President of SA-China People's Friendship Association.

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