Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Malik

Malik Scott

Nombre Malik
Apellido Scott
Nacidas el October 16, 1980 (age 44)

Dohonna Malik Scott is an American boxing trainer and former professional boxer who competed from 2000 to 2016.

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Malik Monk

Nombre Malik
Apellido Monk
Nacidas el February 4, 1998 (age 27)
Altura 191 cm | 6'3

Malik Ahmad Monk es un baloncestista estadounidense que pertenece a la plantilla de los Charlotte Hornets de la NBA. Con 1,91 metros de estatura, juega en la posición de escolta.

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Malik Kafur

Nombre Malik
Apellido Kafur
Nacidas el November 30, 1249
Murió el November 30, 1315 (aged 66)

Malik Kafur, also known as Taj al-Din Izz al-Dawla, was a prominent slave-general of the Delhi Sultanate ruler Alauddin Khalji. He was captured by Alauddin's general Nusrat Khan during the 1299 invasion of Gujarat, and rose to prominence in the 1300s.

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Malik ibn Anas

Nombre Malik
Apellido Anas
Murió el June 7, 0795
Nacidas en Saudi Arabia

Abu Abdullah Málik ibn Anas ibn Málik ibn Abi Aámir al-Asbahi nació en el año 93 de la Hégira (711-795). Fundador de una de las cuatro escuelas de jurisprudencia sunitas: la escuela malikí. Era el Imán en Medina, Faqih de la Ummah y líder de Ahl al-Hadiz. Estudió con más de novecientos sabios y muchísimas personas aprendieron de él, entre ellos el Imam Shafi’i.

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Malik B.

Malik Abdul Basit
Nombre Malik
Apellido B.
Nacidas el November 14, 1972
Murió el July 29, 2020 (aged 47)

Malik Abdul Basit, better known by his stage name Malik B., was an American rapper and singer who was a founding member of the Roots. He appeared on the first four albums released by the Roots, before departing the group. He returned as a featured artist for some later albums. He released one EP, entitled Psychological, on MC Haak Blast's publishing company Future Blast Publishing. He also released two studio albums, Street Assault (2005) and Unpredictable (2015) with Mr. Green.

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Malik Bentalha

Nombre Malik
Apellido Bentalha
Nacidas el March 1, 1989 (age 35)
Nacidas en France, Occitania

Malik Bentalha is a French humorist and actor of Algerian and Moroccan descent. He does stand-up comedy and has appeared in some films.

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Malik Beasley

Nombre Malik
Apellido Beasley
Nacidas el November 26, 1996 (age 28)
Altura 196 cm | 6'5

Malik JonMikal Beasley es un baloncestista estadounidense que pertenece a la plantilla de los Minnesota Timberwolves de la NBA. Con 1,93 metros de estatura, juega en la posición de escolta.

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Malik Ibrahim

Nombre Malik
Apellido Ibrahim
Murió el April 7, 1419

Malik Ibrahim, also known as Sunan Gresik or Kakek Bantal, was the first of the Wali Songo, the nine men generally thought to have introduced Islam to Java.

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Malik McDowell

Malik Devon McDowell is an American football defensive tackle who is a free agent. After playing college football for Michigan State, he was drafted by the Seattle Seahawks in the second round of the 2017 NFL Draft. He sustained injuries from an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) accident shortly after being drafted and never played in a game for the Seahawks. He was sentenced to 11 months in prison for a series of crimes in Michigan in November 2019.

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Malik Zidi

Nombre Malik
Apellido Zidi
Nacidas el February 14, 1975 (age 50)
Nacidas en France, Île-de-France

Malik Zidi is a French film, television and theatre actor. He is a César Award recipient for Most Promising Actor.

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