Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Mal

Mal Evans

Nombre Mal
Apellido Evans
Nacidas el May 27, 1935
Murió el January 5, 1976 (aged 40)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Malcolm "Mal" Evans, es más conocido como roadie, asistente, y amigo de la banda de rock The Beatles.

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Mal Hatun

Nacidas el November 30, 1199
Murió el November 30, 1323 (aged 124)

Malhun Hatun was the first wife of Osman I, the leader of the Ottoman Turks and the founder of the dynasty that established and ruled the Ottoman Empire.

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Mal Whitfield

Malvin Greston Whitfield
Nombre Mal
Apellido Whitfield
Nacidas el October 11, 1924
Murió el November 19, 2015 (aged 91)
Altura 185 cm | 6'1

Mal Whitfield fue un atleta estadounidense, especializado en la prueba de 4x400 m en la que llegó a ser subcampeón olímpico en 1952.

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Mal Peet

Nombre Mal
Apellido Peet
Nacidas el October 5, 1947
Murió el March 2, 2015 (aged 67)
Nacidas en United Kingdom, England

Malcolm Charles Peet was an English author and illustrator best known for young adult fiction. He has won several honours including the Brandford Boase, the Carnegie Medal and the Guardian Prize, British children's literature awards that recognise "year's best" books. Three of his novels feature football and the fictional South American sports journalist Paul Faustino. The Murdstone Trilogy (2014) was his first work aimed at adult readers.

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Mal Sondock

Malcolm Ronald Sondock
Nombre Mal
Apellido Sondock
Nacidas el July 4, 1934
Murió el June 9, 2009 (aged 74)
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Mal Brough

Nombre Mal
Apellido Brough
Nacidas el December 29, 1961 (age 63)
Nacidas en Australia, Queensland

Malcolm Thomas Brough is a former Australian politician. He represented the Liberal Party in the House of Representatives and held ministerial office in the Howard and Turnbull Governments.

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